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Flavonoids Supplement Capsules with Quercetin & Fisetin

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FlavoLife is an "all-in-one" health-supporting flavonoids formulation.

  • Contains nine exceptional bioflavonoids, all extracted from plant species.
  • Incorporates all categories of the flavonoids family.
  • Developed using the latest scientific research (2019 ECU study).
  • Helps reduce the risk of chronic disease.
  • Provides a whole host of other positive health effects (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, anti-stroke, anti-varicose, neuroprotective, etc).

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60 Veg. Caps.



60 Veg. Caps.



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No controversial excipients
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FlavoLife is a flavonoids supplement that has been developed using the latest scientific research (in particular, this 2019 ECU study.) In line with recent scientific recommendations, it contains 9 bioflavonoids and includes all the categories in the large flavonoids family.

What Health Benefits can you Expect from Taking FlavoLife?

FlavoLife is designed to improve many aspects of general health, including cardiovascular and blood circulation problems, weak immunity, stress and anxiety, and neuro-inflammation. FlavoLife has been developed to reflect the findings of multiple scientific studies, the latest of which was published in 2019.

Researchers at Edith Cowan University discovered a strong correlation between flavonoids tablets intake and lower risk of mortality from cancer and cardiovascular disease. Their conclusion was clear: the protective effect is highest when intake exceeds 500 mg a day, though variety may be as important as quantity.

This major 2019 study was groundbreaking – adding to existing findings from hundreds of recent studies on flavonoids, that we felt compelled to introduce this exceptional flavonoids supplement, unprecedented on the market, designed to improve numerous aspects of your health.

Lead researcher, Dr. Nicola Bondonno, commented on the results: "These findings are important as they highlight the potential to prevent cancer and heart disease by encouraging the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods, particularly in people at high risk of these chronic diseases." She added that diversity is as significant as the number of flavonoids consumed: "It's very important to consume several types of flavonoids by eating as wide a variety as possible of the foods that contain them."

Diversity is key because each flavonoids compound has a slightly different mechanism of action, and contributes synergistically to a whole host of health benefits, including:

  • Antioxidant effects – their hydroxyl grouping means they can quench and stabilize free radicals.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects – flavonoid capsules have an inhibitory effect on inflammatory enzymes, such as cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase.
  • Anti-atherosclerosis effects – specifically by reducing oxidation of LDL cholesterol transporters.
  • Improvements in capillary permeability and circulation – flavonoids affect blood vessels through vitamin P activity.
  • Anti-angiogenesis effects.
  • Anxiolytic, soothing, and neuro-protective effects.
  • Decreased risk of many chronic 'diseases of civilization' – cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, stroke, etc.

What are Flavonoids?

Flavonoids are compounds found in the plant kingdom and are usually consumed in the form of fruits, vegetables, tea and wine. This large group of molecules comprises more than 6,000 natural compounds that exert a wide range of biological activity.

Research into flavonoids has increased significantly since the discovery of the 'French Paradox', in which a correlation was observed among the French population between moderate consumption of red wine and saturated fats and a relatively low rate of death from cardiovascular causes.

What Bioflavonoids are in FlavoLife?

FlavoLife contains the most effective flavonoids and covers all the categories of this large family of compounds – flavonols, flavones, flavanones, flavan-3-ols, and anthocyanidins:

  • Fisetin – extracted from the stems of Toxicodendron succedaneum. It has been described as offering a number of beneficial biological effects, including inhibition of cell proliferation and inflammation, neuroprotection, and bone protection. But the two most extraordinary properties of the best fisetin supplement are its ability to destroy senescent cells which parasitize the body and activate the mechanism of autophagy whereby cells digest their own waste. Several studies have shown this helps extend longevity and reduce markers of senescence in humans.
  • Quercetin – extracted from Sophora Japonica buds. Like rutin, a quercetin supplement has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vaso-protective (blood vessel protection), and anti-thrombotic (blood clot prevention) properties, according to studies.
  • Hesperidin – extracted from sweet orange. This primarily helps maintain blood vessel integrity and strengthen the capillary network, according to research.
  • Myricetin – extracted from the bark of Myrica rubra. This flavonol is recognized through studies for reducing both the risk of cardiovascular problems and levels of chronic inflammation.
  • Rutin – also extracted from Sophora Japonica buds. This is an exceptional antioxidant flavonoid; the main effect, according to some studies, is to reduce capillary fragility and permeability.
  • Oligo-proanthocyanidins – extracted from grape seeds. These antioxidant flavonoids have 20 times greater activity than Vitamin E and are active in both aqueous and lipid environments. They have the specific property of binding to collagen and thus help maintain the structural integrity of connective tissue.
  • Luteolin – also extracted from Sophora Japonica buds. By countering the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, luteolin has been shown to fight inflammation, particularly in the brain.
  • EGCG – extracted from green tea. This is the main compound in the catechin family: it has anti-inflammatory effects and helps inhibit angiogenesis, a process of neovascularization which occurs in various pathophysiological situations.
  • Apigenin – extracted from celery seeds. This anti-inflammatory flavone helps relax the arteries and produces anxiolytic effects (it binds to central benzodiazepine receptors).

Quercetin and Fisetin, Plus Four Other Reasons To Support Your Health with FlavoLife

FlavoLife contains two of the best natural senolytic compounds: quercetin and fisetin. The quercetin benefits and reasons to use a fisetin and quercetin supplement have been outlined above, but there are four more reasons to buy SuperSmart's flavonoids capsules.

  1. Studies show that flavonoids enhance the action of several other micronutrients, particularly Vitamin C, by increasing absorption and delaying elimination by the body.
  2. FlavoLife combines nine of the most active flavonoids because, between them, they produce synergistic effects.
  3. FlavoLife compensates for low flavonoids consumption from dietary sources. Flavonoids are found in many fruits and vegetables, but changes in lifestyle have led to a sharp decline in their consumption. It is no coincidence the use of flavonoid-containing extracts continues to rise.
  4. The effects are long-lasting. Certain flavonoids, such as quercetin, have a particularly long life in the body, enabling them to work in a diffuse way over time, with no side effects.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This product is a nutritional supplement and should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.


Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, heat, and humidity. Keep out of reach of children.


If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any medical conditions, consult your healthcare provider before using this product.


Consult your healthcare provider before use, especially if you are taking any medications or other supplements as there may be potential interactions.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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